What’s the governance process of the Optimism Collective?

Please find the full document describing the process in this Github repo:

What is delegation?

Participating in governance of the Optimism Token House will require a serious time commitment. For this reason, we will strongly encourage people to delegate the voting power of their tokens to a community member who has explicitly volunteered to play an active role in Token House governance. These volunteers are called delegates. When you delegate your voting power, you retain 100% ownership of your tokens, and can use them however you want. You may change your delegate selection at any time.

What does delegation mean for my tokens?

When you delegate the voting power of your tokens, you retain 100% ownership of the token itself. There are no changes to the way you use or hold the token. A healthy governance system is good for Optimism and for all OP holders. Choosing a good delegate is in each OP token holder's best interest.

Who should I choose as a delegate?

You can choose anyone who you believe will participate in governance and can represent what you want this ecosystem to become. You can see each delegate's statement of interest by clicking on their tile. You may also delegate to any address using the input field to the top-left.

How do I change this later?

Delegation is always in your control. You can return to this page at any time to change your delegate selection, or to re-delegate voting power to yourself.

How do I access the governance data?

Currently, you can index the data directly from the chain by diving into the Github repo here. We don’t yet have an API, but are actively working on it. If you want to get the latest updates and be part of the beta group, fill out this form. Agora will be updates on the API progress and beta releases there.


I’m having trouble connecting my wallet

If you’re using your wallet with Brave, try Chrome – sometimes Brave can be over-eager with its adblocking. If the issue persists, try to turn off your adblock. If the issue still continues, please report a bug using this form and our team will reach out to help you.

I’m having trouble voting

Tutorial videos